Friday, June 19, 2009

Clothes Swap

Last night I fell asleep at 10:00 pm without blogging for the day...I was tie-tie (Dubonics).
Anyhow---so today I have been prepping for my clothes swap with friends. I have been doing this with museum folk--but my friends fell in love with the idea, so tonight I am hosting 8 of my closest girlfriends and we are doing our "first" Sip-n-Swap...what is it? Well, you bring allllll the clothes, shoes, bags, jewels, books...whatever you DON'T want anymore...and you swap! While you enjoy cocktails and nibbles with your friends. It is a FUN and FREE way to add some things to your wardrobe.
What does this have to do with my art? Nothing...but those of you that know me know that after work...comes shopping as far things that are "my thing".
Happy Friday!!
ps- anyone interested in joining next time--drop me an email and I'll let you know.


  1. Yay! I hope that you had fun! If I lived closer I'd definitely join in -- just to get close to the Checheeta cast offs. Have a fun weekend!

  2. What a great idea! We have a purse swap with my friends...but their purses are...shhhh, not so great. But what a better idea. Hope I can find friends my size but at least its a good night with the girls, yeah!?

  3. Steph-

    It was lots of fun and I scored some cute stuff. You should totally try this and let me know how it goes!

    :) xo C
