Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Art Talk Tuesday: Double Banyon

 I love banyon trees, and growing up in Coral Gables, you see them everywhere. In 2008 I had my first art exhibition and painted a banyon tree (which sold on the first night). Shortly after that exhibition I drew a double banyon in my sketch book. The double banyon is very common in the Gables, we see  examples of how two separate trees across the street from each other can grow tall and meet in the middle of the street creating this illusion of an arch, of a double banyon.
I eventually painted the double banyon for my first solo exhibition in 2009, and in 2010 it found a home with a beautiful couple, Mr. and Mrs. H. One day I got a call from Mrs. H who saw the painting on my website and wanted to know if it was still available. She told me how the tree reminded her of her marriage, two big trees coming together in the middle to create something larger than life. I thought it was poetic and dropped off the painting later that week. Mr. and Mrs. H are still working on their home so it had not been hung, but they have promised to take a picture when it finally goes up.

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