This weekend I was in Dallas with D to go to my dear friend
Wim's wedding. The trip also let us visit with friends of mine from college, some of whom I had not seen since our wedding nearly 4 years ago.
It was also my first time in Dallas in 4 years, which is crazy since I use to go once a year.
It was such a great time seeing everyone, visiting campus, meeting new babies, and celebrating the first day of spring with snow fall! It was D's first time in snow, which was really fun to see.
Friday we got to town later in the evening, but we went on a quick romp with my friend Kirsten to our home away from school, North Park Mall. After dinner, we grabbed cheese fries and burgers at Snuffers...oh yum! Kirsten then introduced us to my new favorite place in Dallas,
Yogurtville. The place is pure genius...you pick a size...blend whatever flavors of frozen yogurt you want, pick whatever toppings you want, and pay by the weight! GENIUS!

The next day we went to the
SMU Bookstore so I could stock up on goodies for home, myself, baby Julia and the office. When we got to
SMU in 1996, the location the bookstore is today was a Container Store (genius)...and next store there was and still is a
La Madeline. If you have ever eaten at one, you know how great the tomato basil soup is...again, something else I wish we had in Miami. Life would be happy with a La Mad here. I could have my soup and potato
gallette's all the time. La Mad was followed by a quick tour of campus and then a dessert stop we all love,
JD's Chippery. The best best best cookies and incredible cherry lemonade. I was SUCH a happy girl!

Armed with enough cookies and lemonade to
feed an army, we headed to my friend Avery's house. I wanted to see baby
Wesleigh's room and give her the nursery painting I've had for them.
I was so happy when all the colors matched perfectly! Ave and her husband John loved it...and
Wesleigh crawled all around the room in excitement I'm sure.
Shortly after arriving at Ave's our friend Amber and her husband Weston arrived from Ft. Worth to go to the wedding with us that night. They had a beautiful baby girl of their own, Jenna Kate about 19 months ago---so I brought them their nursery painting from Miami too. Two very happy mommies were made---Daddies were happy too.

The best surprise was that my dear dear
friend, one of the 3 musketeers, Lauren and her husband Paul were in town from Austin for the Black Eyed Peas concert, so they stopped by Ave's
casa for a visit too. The 5 of us are part of a group of 6 friends who while at
SMU in the Gamma Phi house, were all called, The Six Pack. We were missing J who is in DC, but it was the first time since my wedding this many of us have been together. It was so so special.
Ave, Amber and I ...oh and our husbands got dolled up and made our way to the
Dallas Arboretum for
Wim's wedding to his lovely fiancee, now wife, Brenda. The ceremony was personal and beautiful...the reception was as well.
Wim performed the most amazing rendition of a song
by the
Decemberists that he played for Brenda on the night they met. It was great...the best part of all (obviously apart from seeing so many friends at the wedding) was that it started to SNOW! First day of spring, and 5 inches of snow fell. It was beautiful.
The next day we woke up to a beautiful blanket of snow, which was fun to play in. The day was short due to our flight but we did squeeze in lunch at
Chip's before we headed to
DFW. Our flight left out of the brand new Terminal D. Very nice.
All in all albeit short, it was an incredible trip which I am so happy we took the time to go on.
Congratulations to
Wim and Brenda on their wedding, to the
Hoenigs and Wards on their babies.